LaRosa's field trip for VBS class-May 2nd-1:30 P.M.-Pick up from preschool at 1:15.
Conner Sutton has hooked us up with a field trip to his Grandpa’s LaRosa’s here inWyoming! On the day of our field trip, Thursday, May 2nd, we are planning on having school start at normal time, 12:15, but are asking parents to pick up their child at 1:15 to head over to LaRosa’s for the field trip. Mrs. Kim will be at LaRosa’s to greet all incoming families, while Mandy and Sandy close up the school. All students will need a parent chaperone for the trip, which means it could be one parent for multiple kids. (For example, Cara Hummel could take Ian, Ella, Jon and Patrick.) Since this is a new field trip for us, and we will be in the kitchen, we are recommending that younger siblings do not attend this field trip with us. While at LaRosa’s, we will be eating, (I think pizza), and I believe it is for everyone who attends the trip, including parents. We’re guessing the field trip will last about 45 minutes. Don’t forget to show your preschool pride and wear your preschool spiritwear! Finally, please let Cindy know if you are planning on going on the this field trip, or who your child will be going with. Thanks!