Meet the Teacher Visits

We would like to invite all our preschool pals and families to meet their child’s teachers and other preschool pals on Thursday, August 15th, from 9:00 a.m. -10:00 a.m.  Feel free to drop in any time during this hour!  Please enter through the Burns Avenue entrance, next to the red doors.  See you on the 15th!

*If you have your paperwork filled out today, and turn it in to Cindy, she will give you a gold star!

**While filling out the paperwork, please make sure to fill out EVERY SINGLE BLANK.  Write N/A if it does not apply to you. Our state inspectors are very stringent about this, and we will end up having to return the paperwork to you to make corrections.

***The hardest form to get filled out is the child medical.  It needs a shot record and a signature from a medical professional.

****Helpful Hint-If possible, it may help you in long run to schedule yearly checkups in the summer months, so you it is easier to get your medical forms.  Even though my boys were born in March, we got on the cycle of all doctor visits the first week of August.