Wyoming Fire Fighters Visit
The Wyoming Fire Department will visit on Tuesday, October 9th. (We really tried for a Monday, but they were unavailable.) The first visit will start at 11:30 a.m. (We have been told this year’s visit will only be able to be fifteen minutes.) The second visit will start at 12:30 p.m. If your child does not attend school on this day, or you would like to bring a sibling to the visit, you are welcome to join us. Most years, the fire fighters will talk to the children about smoke detectors, Stop, Drop, and Roll, Never play with matches, and crawl low in smoke. They also make sure to have a firefighter fully dressed in gear to let the children know that firefighters are our friends, even though they may look scary, and to seek them out in a fire. If it is our lucky day, the firefighters may let us look at their truck, or shoot the fire hose. This visit will help to reinforce our two week unit on Fire Safety that we study the first two weeks in October.