Very Hungry Caterpillar and Very Busy Spider News
Next week at school we will be learning about the color brown. Along with the color brown, we will be having a mini-lesson on Fall; the brown things of Fall. We would like for our students to bring in brown Autumn things throughout the week, such as, acorns, brown leaves, twigs, etc. We will be reading the book Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see? If anyone has any other books that might go well with the color brown, or Fall, we wold love to borrow them.
Next week at school we will be learning about the letter “E”. The overall theme for the week will be fire safety and learning the parts of the body, but we will have an “E” item each day, too. Some of our days will be about the following “E” words/things: Engine, (fire), Eggs, elephants, Elmo, and Emergency. We would love to borrow any of the following for “E” week: The Doctor Seuss books about Horton, Elmo books, or other Elmo stuff you think might fit, any good books about elephants, eggs, or fire fighters/fire safety. (We have a lot of good ones, but are always looking for new ideas.)
Just a heads up, for fire safety, we will be learning about Stop, Drop, & Roll, Crawl Low in Smoke, Never play with matches, and calling (or not calling) 911.