Weekly Round-up-March 24-March 28 2014

Monday, the 24th –Regular class schedule

Tuesday, the 25th-Regular class schedule

Thursday, the 27th-Regular class schedule

Friday, the 28th-Regular class schedule-No MUC item needed this day.

Preschool Office News:  Don’t forget Spring Break is March 31st-Monday, April 7th.  Classes resume on Tuesday, April 8th.  Also, make sure to check the Snack Calendar, the MUC Friday section and pack a drink in lunches, preferable child sized and “healthy”.

Mixed-up Chameleons News-Today we worked a lot on the concept of time and calendar activities.  We worked on letter recognition and participated in the song “Marching Around the Alphabet”.  We engaged in a “Brain Game” to see who the super cleaner of the day was and we did a birthday sorting graph activity.

Very Hungry Caterpillar and Very Busy Spider News-“U” is for umbrella, a vowel that makes two sounds-one of the many things we studied this week.  We also spent a lot of time catching up on assessment and our daily goals and objectives.  Mrs. Mandy worked with students on projects to display at our upcoming art show.

Friday Enrichment Class with Mrs. Susan: We all enjoyed the spring time theme and learned all about how flowers grow.  The kids practiced their cutting skills and number recognition.  Check out the flowers growing on our hallway wall.  This week the letter will be W.

Panda Bear News:  (Mrs. Katrina & Mrs. Kim)-  We will be working on the letter T and Tommy the Turtle will be helping us sing the alphabet.  We will also be finishing up our farm animal unit.  Look for a pair of sunglasses coming home with your preschooler.  Hopefully they will get to use their new shades over spring break!