Weekly Round-up-April 28th-May 2nd 2014

Monday, the 28th-Regular class schedule

Tuesday, the 29th-Regular class schedule

Thursday, May 1st-Regular class schedulc

Friday, May 2nd-Regular class schedule for Panda Bears and Mrs. Susan’s Friday Enrichment class.  Field trip to the Art Museum and Butterfly show for the MUC.  Make a picture to bring of your favorite preschool memory for your “All About Me” book, bring a throw-away lunch and wear your preschool t-shirt!

Preschool Office News:  Please fill out the Art Museum/Butterfly Show field trip permission slip if your child is in the Mixed-Up Chameleon pre-k class.

Mixed-up Chameleons News-(Kindergarten Preparation Class)- Today was all about Exercise!  We started out the school day by exercising in the muscle room and playing “Duck, Duck, Goose”.  We then went to the Parish Hall to learn some Irish Dance moves from Daniel Flagler’s mom, Sarah.  We played “Fly Away”, ate our lunches, and exercised out on the playground.  We ended our day with learning centers and partners, including sculpting with playdough.

Very Hungry Caterpillar and Very Busy Spider News-  It’s “X” is for exercise week!  We read the book Rachel Loves to Run and Play that Meghan Remington’s college roommate wrote.  We talked about how exercise is healthy for our body. We talked about how exercise can be fun and participated in games, such as, “Duck, Duck, Goose”, “Farmer in the Dell”,  “Over the Mountain”, “Parachute”, etc.  We also participated in our exercise of the day.  This week we also worked on evaluating progress for our grade cards that will be coming home at graduation.

Friday Enrichment Class with Mrs. Susan:  We will be spending the last few weeks of school learning all about springtime.  They will make flowers and spend some time with bugs. This week the kids will be making 3-D flowers using many different craft items. Since we have finished with our weekly letter, I would love for the kids to bring in a flower. This can be either real, a drawing or a picture.

Panda Bear News:  (Mrs. Katrina & Mrs. Kim)- This past week Walter the Wolf helped sing the alphabet song with us.  Walter loves watermelon!  The kids also had fun painting with water colors and cup stamping.  Next week our letter of the week is X, and we will be working on  a shaving cream creation that we know you will love.  Hope you enjoyed the art show and be on the look out for all of your children’s masterpieces coming home soon!