February Updates and Reminders
February 19-March 1st-Right to Read weeks begin for all classes. Please see “upcoming events” sidebar for detailed reading plans. When each class reaches their class goal, they will earn a popcorn party!
Preschool Pals Quilt-Make sure to check out our preschool pals quilt at the bottom of the entrance steps.
Mixed-up Chameleon Friday Fun Days- This Friday please have your child bring in a writing sample of the numbers 1-10. Next Friday, March 1st, we will be asking for your child to bring in their favorite book. Please make sure it is one that is okay to be handled by other preschool pals.
March preview- “S” for Spring, “T” for tornadoes and wild weather, “U” for umbrella and rain. We will also be having our bike-a-thon during this time and trip to Parky’s on Wednesday the 20th!