Weekly Round-up-February 29th-March 4th-2016-"S" is for Skippy Jon Jones and Seasons
Monday, the 29th-Regular class schedule
Tuesday, the 1st-Regular class schedule
Thursday, the 3rd-Regular class schedule
Friday, the 4th-Regular class schedule, Mixed-up Chameleons please bring in a sign/picture of your favorite season with you to school today.
Preschool Office News: If you haven’t brought in your February tuition yet, please bring it in soon. Thank you!
Mixed-up Chameleons News-Kindergarten Preparation Class: What a busy day! We kicked off the day with in the muscle room by playing “Duck, Duck, Goose” and the Parachute game. (The girls have won 3 weeks in a row.) We then started our reading celebration by putting everyone’s name in a hat and the “Presto!” we pulled out one name. That preschoool pal got to pick one of their books for me to read to the preschool pals and then got to add a sentence to the class story. So far, the class favorites are favorites have been “The Gruffalo” that Sebastian brought, and “Dinosaur Poo” that Lennox brought. The day is flying by and we are hoping to end with our usual Friday dance competition!
Very Hungry Caterpillar and Very Busy Spider News: This week we finished up our Right to Read weeks and author studies. Both classes earned a popcorn party and we are going to finish counting popcorn on Monday to see if they also get a doughnut party! I loved seeing what everyone read on their reading logs and got some new book idea!
Friday Enrichment News– We had a very busy day with our letter “S”. First we planted seeds for our science unit and the kids will get to watch them grow during the rest of the school year. Next, after reading “Stone Soup”, we played a math game by adding our own “vegetables” to the pot. “Shark Detective” and “Clark the Shark” led us into our art project with our own sharks that just might “get you” so watch out! Next week we are on letter “T”.
Panda Bear News: Yeah! Think green! We will start on some of our St. Patrick’s Day crafts next week so don’t be surprised to see shades of green headed home on little hands. We will start our Shamrock feltboard story, and we will continue some farm themed songs and stories. The letter this week was “R” and Rocky the Rooster helped sing our ABC’s and there was a rainbow in our mystery box.