Top Dog of the Week

During the school year, your preschool pal will be assigned to be “Top Dog of the Week”.  Your pal will receive a large, “dog bag” with a list of items to put in the bag to bring back to school, usually on a Friday.  Please return the bag on Monday, or the next day after being received, if we are out of order due to days off.

For the first round of being the Top Dog of the Week, you will place the following in the bag:

  1.  A family photo, or e-mail us one to print at school.  We will return this to you.  Your pal will share this on Monday.
  2. A show and tell item.  Your pal will share this on Tuesday.  Please make sure not to pack anything that your pal will miss at home, since it will be at school for a few days.
  3. A book to read to the class. Try to make this book “group friendly”-Somewhat short, and not too complicated to understand, since we have an array of academic levels.  This happens on Thursday.  Please do not send in a library book that is due during this time, or a book they have to have at home with them.
  4. Friday Initiation!  On Friday, we have our Top Dog initiation.  This day, your pal will become an official Top Dog!  Your preschool pal with receive their Top Dog ears and an array of other Top Dog goodies.

Please note, Top Dogs are chosen randomly.  Sometimes the teachers choose the Top Dog and sometimes the former Top Dog chooses; We mix it up!  If you are going to be out of town, please try to let us know so we will not choose your child to be Top Dog of the Week during that time.

“True Dog Friends we’ll always be, all the way through history.”