Weekly Round-up-August 26th-August 30th 2024

MONDAY-Regular Classes

TUESDAY-Regular Classes

THURSDAY-Regular Classes

FRIDAY-Regular Classes and TOP DOGS CLASS Wear Red/”REDS” and bring something red.

OFFICE NEWS-Thank you all for turning in state forms and tuition payments!  If you haven’t turned them in yet, please send them in as soon as possible, or let us know about your delay.  🙂  Thanks again!  Also, please sign up for remind if you haven’t already done so.  

TOP DOGS-The Top Dogs are off to a wonderful start!  We have had a busy week.  We start the day with thirty minutes of “homeroom”.  Then, we move over to the rainbow rug, where we have been working on “preschool basics” and learning our “school rules”.  We heard the story about Letter People Land and Mr. M Munching Mouth.  We played outside and did an overview of letters and colors,  ate lunch, did art and learning centers.  We end our day with a stamp and a hug.    Next week we will be introducing the letter “A” with the letter people and Miss “A” who has bad allergies.  She says “a-a-a-chooooo”.  Stay tuned! 





Cool Cats News: Welcome all new Cool Cats and their families to the 2024-2025 school year at A&HT.  We are so thrilled to have your amazing children in our class this year.  We had a great week at school learning to hang up backpacks, sit on dots, stand quietly in line, sit criss cross applesauce, walk to the snack room with snacks and water bottles, and pack up at the end of the school day.  We also practiced our fine motor skills by playing with play dough, using dotters, and painting a big yellow school bus.  We read lots of books about starting school.  Mrs. Susan and Mrs. Kelly look forward to a great school year with the Cool Cats!  🐈


Playful Bunnies News:  What a good first week for the Bunnies! We’re learning all of our school routines. We’re learning how to play with new friends and take turns. We’re learning how to have fun without mom or dad. It’s a lot, but they are all doing great! Good job, Bunnies – Aarav, Alice, Bennett, Byron, Dakota, Drew, Frankie, Greyson, Jamir, Juliet, Mabel, Mira, and Poppy. We’re looking forward to having a lot of fun this year!