Weekly Round-up March 3rd-7th, 2025
Monday-Regular Classes
Tuesday-Regular Classes
Thursday-Regular Classes
Friday-Regular Classes and Top Dogs bring in a sign of your favorite season!
Playful Bunnies Class News: The Bunnies have still been having a lot of fun with our Space theme. We added a box and steering wheel to our playroom, so now we have a moon rover – lots of driving around the moon and collecting moon rocks. It’s really fun to see the pretend play that is happening with our Bunnies! We read some good space books, worked on colors while singing a star song, and pretended to be rockets blasting off while working on our counting and number identification. Our crafts included painting and mixing colors for rainbows and planets, assembling a rocket and painting fire on it, printing with star and circle cookie cutters, using space stickers, and using new purple playdough to make aliens. Very fun week!
Cool Cats Class News: This week we learned about the letter ‘S’, the number 11, and two shapes that start with ‘s’-Star and Square. We continue to have fun blasting off to space in our playroom and center room by building space stations, creating alien spaceships, and pretending to be astronauts and NASA scientists. For the letter ‘s’ we have incorporated a Sun craft and Solar System craft to focus our planet earth and our moon. Friday’s music and movement activity is a Space Obstacle Course, complete with stomping rockets into Space! Also, thanks for sending in your quilt squares. The Cool Cats loved sharing them with the class! And, thanks for sending in your reading strips, the prize box has been a lot of fun for our eager readers.
Top Dogs Class News: This week we learned all about the letter “R” with Ripping Rubberbands and Rainbow Ribbons, who brought us rubberbands, Reese’s hearts, Rice Krispie Treats and Raninbow Ribbons. We studied the authors Eric Carle, Dr. Seuss, Ezra Jack Keats, Maurice Sendak, Donald Crews, Leo Lionni, Lois Ehlert and Margaret Wise Brown. We ended our week with our Reading Celebration! We will still accept reading logs until Monday; This will be the day we count our popcorn to see if our class earned a popcorn party. We practiced number recognition, patterning and sorting like pictures into categories. Next week, we will meet Mr. S, Super Socks, and learn all about Seasons.
Lunch Bunch: