RECORD BREAKING BIKE-A-THON-$2,222.75 collected!
We are so excited to announce the end of a super-successful record breaking bike-a-thon with a total amount of $2,222.75 collected to go toward a school laminator! Since we raised money beyond our goal, we would like to spend the extra money on sprucing up the muscle room, possibly by purchasing kid friendly rugs and some large muscle equipment. Thank you all very much for your help and hard work to make this fund-raiser a great success! A special thanks to the following students who really went above and beyond!
Top $$$ Raiser-Ani Dougherty with $415.00 collected! A new school record!
1st Place-Panda Bear Class-$616.00/$51.33 average per student
First place-Cooper Metz with $300.00
Second place-Nolan Roth with $195.00
Third place-Lance Weaver with $47.00
2nd Place-Very Busy Spiders-$1,004.00/$43.65 average per student
First place-Ani Dougherty with $415.00
Second place-Dillion Weaver with $139.00
Third place-Audrey Hamel with $125.00
3rd Place-Very Hungry Caterpillar Class-$602.75/$25.11 average per student
First place-Abby Meiners with $130.00
Second place-Alex Remington with $77.00
Third place-Mikey Robbins with $75.00
If you still are collecting bike-a-thon money, it is not too late to turn it in!
Thanks again for a super bike-a-thon!
Sandy and Staff