Weekly Round-up-September 1st-5th-This is What's Happening Next Week at Preschool
Monday, the 1st-No School-Happy Labor Day!
Tuesday, the 2nd-Regular classes for the Panda Bears, Very Hungry Caterpillars and Very Busy Spiders
Thursday, the 4th- Regular classes for the Panda Bears, Very Hungry Caterpillars and Very Busy Spiders and VHC and VBS classes please bring in a small toy/animal that starts with your child’s name to put in our alphabet soup!
Friday, the 5th-Regular classes for the Panda Bears, Mixed-up Chameleon (Kindergarten preparation) class and the Friday Enrichment class.
- Please bring an item that starts with the letter “A” Friday Enrichment class.
- First “Lunch with Mrs. Kim and Mrs. Susan” day.
- Please wear red and bring something red to school today Mixed-up Chameleons!
- Super Six Homework Packets due
Preschool Office News: We would like to welcome Denise Discepoli to our Friday Enrichment Program. She has decided to come out of retirement to help us with this class this year. Welcome, Mrs. Denise! Just a reminder from the preschool office to turn in any outstanding forms, tuition, change of clothes, supplies, and summer fun activities. Also, remember to escort your child to their room/muscle room and check in with a staff member.
Mixed-up Chameleons News-(Kindergarten Preparation)- What a busy and fun first day! Today we learned our “Welcome Song”, Met “Monet the Marvelous Monkey” and “Henrietta the Horrible Hippo”, learned our “Seven Days of the Week” song, introduced our weather wheel and song, learned the Pledge, learned how to sit on the rainbow rug, how to follow the pointer stick, how to move with the magic slide whistle, how to sit and listen to a story, and read “Alphabet Soup” and much, much, more!
Very Hungry Caterpillar and Very Busy Spider News: Next week, we will start “A is for Alphabet Soup”, learn more about the color red, continue to learn “How to Act” at preschool and much, much, more!
Panda Bear News: It was fun getting to know your kids! We will continue to work with the children adjusting to a new situation. We spent our first two classes getting to know each other and exploring all of the fun things in the classroom. We have already started learning as well. Some on-the-spot lessons about sharing have already taken place. (This is something we will continue to practice the whole year!) We have also learned some of the classroom rules such as leaving the door open.
Next week our focus will be on having lots of play time while adjusting some more to being at school. We will start to learn some school routines such as having art time at the tables, sitting on the rug for circle time, eating snack together, and playing outside on the playground. We assure you that we have realistic expectations for two year olds, but that it is also truly amazing how fast the children pick up our daily routines. Have a great holiday weekend and we look forward to seeing you for another week of fun!
Friday Enrichment News- We had our first Friday Enrichment class of the school year and what a fun group of boys and girls! Next week we will be working on getting to know each other, our Friday school routine, the book “10 Apples Up On Top” by Dr. Seuss and the letter A. Please have your child bring in a picture that starts with the letter A for him/her to show during learning time and glue onto our letter board. The first few weeks of school our art projects will focus on decorating our art room to give the children a sense of ownership of their school. Please send a small snack with your child on Fridays in a paper sack with their name on it. Great snacks include grapes, apples, granola bars, graham crackers, cheese sticks, etc. We will provide water.