Weekly Round-up-November 14-November 28th, 2016
Monday, the 14th –Regular class schedule
Tuesday, the 15th-Regular class schedule
Thursday, the 17th-Regular class schedule
Friday, the 20th-Regular class schedule, MUC bring in something shaped like a square and FEC bring in a picture that starts with the letter “K”. Last day for food collecting!
Monday, the 21st-Regular class schedule
Tuesday, the 22nd-Thanksgiving Feasts-10:45-12:15-See Blog for schedule. (No Regular Classes)
Thursday, the 24th-No School-Happy Thanksgiving!
Friday, the 25th-No School-Happy Thanksgiving!
Monday, the 28th-Regular Class Schedule
Preschool Office News: The Thanksgiving feast sign up posters are up! Please bring in $1.00, in an envelope with your child’s name on it, before December 5th for Santa’s workshop. Since the church rummage sale is not happeing anymore, we do not have easy access to a place to get fabulous Christmas items for Santa’s workshop. If you have any Christmas items that you would like to donate that you do not use anymore we would love to have them! Just don’t be surprised if they end up back at your house. Also, please turn all in all outstanding tuition. Thanks!
Mixed-up Chameleons News-(MUC)-Fridays are now known as fast Fridays since they go so fast! Today we had “total request live” and different preschool pals were selected to choose a favorite song for us to sing during our group sining time. We played not one, but two rounds of Old MacDonald had a turkey farm to the delight of our preschool pals. We then headed out to the hallway to count the items we have collected so far for our class food drive. Each pal shopped for five items, and excluding the glass items, we came out just even! Our goal was to reach 100 items by the end of the drive, but we have already made it to 123! Our class decided to change the goal the goal to 200 items by next Friday, the last day of the food drive. Also, thanks for bringing in other items like diapers, toothbrushes, etc. Thanks for the super idea Tricia Lawrence! We had our shape lesson on triangles and coincidentally, that Mysterious Shape man showed up today looking for triangles! We are looking forward to ending our day with centers, art, lunch and recess, if we are lucky!
Very Hungry Caterpillar and Very Busy Spider News: This week was a huge learning week! We started out by continuing to go Inside Autumn and learned songs and read stories about Apples, Pumpkins, and Leaves. We have also enjoyed exploring all of the signs of fall that our preschool pals have brought in. We actually used these items to do an experiment when those “Science Guys” showed up. They placed each item in a tub of water to see if it would sink or float. I had no idea pumpkins would float! We then jumped into the letter J and have been beginning to talk about healthy food choices, relating them to a stop light. Finally, we our class election and learned a lot of valuable lessons about being a gracious winner and loser. We talked about winning and losing, as well as we may not always agree with our preschool pals, but we can still be their friends.
Friday Enrichment News– “J”, “J” and “j” was our theme for the day. We filled our letter with jewels and counted jelly beans into jars. Our books were “Jamberry” and a wonderful wordless picture book called “Journey”. The kids got to make strawberries to go along with “Jamberry”. Next week we are moving onto letter “K”. Remember to bring in a picture of something that starts with the letter “K” and place your child’s snack in the wagon by the classroom door.
Panda Bears: We are still busy practicing our songs for the Thanksgiving feast. Everyone is doing a great job! Our letter this week has been “J” and we had a visit from Jenny the Jaguar. Jenny helped us with our mystery box which had a little green jacket inside. For art we made jewelry, added falling leaves to trees, and created some special hats for our Thanksgiving Day Feast.