December Events 2016
28-Welcome Back! VHC & VBS Elf on the Shelf Naming and Introduction to the five senses.
29-Registration open for students who still want their same spot in the VHC and VBS for the 2016-2017 school year. VHC & VBS-“L” is for Love. Picture Forms due today!
1-Santa’s workshop-Bring $1.00 and shop for a present for your family! Giving Tree collecting begins-Please bring hats, mittens, scarves and gloves to decorate our giving tree! Priority registration for the all classes!
2-MUC-Rectangle day. Open registration for family and friends.
8-Polar Express Pajama Day for all classes-Make sure to wear your pajamas to school today! Also, Scholastic book orders due-(These orders will NOT be in before Christmas.)
9-Christmas Cookie Sprinkle Snitcher Day for MUC class.
15-Christmas Party for all classes-9:15-10:30-No regular classes
16-No school-Christmas Break