Wyoming Fine Arts Center Field Trip for All Classes-Thursday, April 20th-No Regular Classes this day.
Mary Rekers, of the Wyoming Fine Arts Center, has set up a nice field trip for our school to attend on Thursday, April 20th. The following are the details for the trip. Don’t forget to wear you’re A&HT Wyoming Preschool T-shirt!
Panda Bear Class-Meet at the Wyoming Fine Arts Center at 10:00 a.m. in the ballroom. (There is parking behind the building.) Since there are a lot of steps and there are going to be a lot of people, we ask for each Panda Bear student to have an adult with them for this field trip. There will be no regular class schedule this day.
Very Hungry Caterpillar Class-Drop-off in the preschool muscle room at 9:15 a.m. There will be no regular classes on this day. Parents are welcome to come with us for the field trip, or just drop-off their child for the field trip. At 9:45 we will be walking to the fine arts center. Cindy will be asking for all parents of VHC’s to fill out a permission slip for the field trip. We will return to the preschool before normal pick-up time at 11:45 and ask parents to pick-up at this time from the muscle room.
Very Busy Spider Class-Drop-off in the preschool muscle room at 9:15 a.m. There will be no regular classes this day. Parents arewelcome to come with us for the field trip, or just drop-off their child for the field trip. At 9:45 we will be walking to the fine arts center. Cindy will be asking for all parents of VBS’s to fill out a permission slip for the field trip. We will return to the preschool before normal pick-up time at 11:45 and ask parents to pick-up at this time from the muscle room.
Field Trip (Flexible) Schedule
10:00-Gathering in the Ballroom-An introduction to Art, Dance and Instruments.
10:10-Panda Bears go with th
eir “adult” to a special music class.
10:15-VHC and VBS classes-Rotation of classes through three centers, each about 15 minutes long including an art activity, music and movement and a lesson on instruments.
11:00-Closing in Ballroom-A review of all the information presented and opportunities to explore these areas further.
11:15-End of field trip and a big THANKS to Mary, Milan and the Wyoming Fine Arts Center! 🙂
11:45-VHC and VBS classes pick-up at the preschool