Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

While we wish we could have all the families enter the building, we have decided to continue our outside arrival/dismissal procedures for this school year.  This helps to prevent the spread of COVID-19, other germs and with school security.  Teacher Sandy and other teachers will be available outside at Arrival and Dismissal for information about your preschool pal to be relayed.  If we do not get a chance to talk to you personally, that means all is well!  


  • Park on Burns or Worthington.
  • Walk on the sidewalk that leads to the playground.
  • Once the gate is open, your family is permitted to line up on the playground for entrance. 
  • Sandy will then greet each family one at a time and send the preschool pal to their designated classroom door.  
  • After dropping off your preschool pal, please carefully exit through the same Burns gate. (We are currently keeping the Grove entrance/exit gate, closed).

*It is not unusual for a lot of the preschool pals to scream and cry at the beginning of the school year.  The best thing, even though so emotionally hard, is to let us peel, carry, hold your child and get them in the classroom.  (The Band-aid method).  Then, parents need to run like the wind!  No extra goodbyes or hugs; we will send a picture/remind text to let you know how they are doing if they had a rough start.  


  • A teacher will be posted at the Burns gate.
  • When the teacher sees you, they will release your preschooler into your care.
  • Also, please make sure to keep your preschooler on the school/church property. We are doing our best to be respectful of Mrs. Shoening, our next door neighbor. Also, please do not let your child run around the church property unattended.  We do not want any accidents to occur!  

Other notes-

  • Stuff-Try to keep your preschool pals water bottle, lunch box, jacket, etc., in one large backpack. Also, please make sure to label things as much as possible since we will not have your help this year figuring out what belongs to who.
  • The gate will be closing at 9:10.  If you are running late, please send a text through the Remind app to your child’s teacher and Mrs. Cindy.  (This will be set up the first week of school.)  One of us will then come out to open the gate to allow admittance to the school.