Wheel of Fortune for VHC and VBS classes
Since our preschool pals tend to get a little antsy the few weeks before Spring Break, to encourage being like “Trey the Terrific Turtle” and following our How I Act chart, we are playing a little game we like to call “Wheel of Fortune.” Each class has been designated row of letters. Each class can “win” letters by following the How I Act chart, or being good friends to their preschool pals. The class can also lose letters for any cards that move off of green, being out of order, clowning around, etc. Each class does not know what the letters will spell when they are completely turned over. Right now, each class is working toward “PARACHUTE”. If they earn this quickly, we will also be working toward extra muscle room/outside time, or outdoor games. We are working on the classes trying to figure out what they may earn when all the letters are turned over. Each class has until Spring Break to earn their reward. Right now, the VBS class has an early lead with earning the letter “P” and “A”. The morning class had earned “P” and “A” early in the day, and guessed they were going to earn a “Paxton”, but lost the letters by the end of the day. We’re hoping this will be a fun class motivator toward good choices, kindness, and good behavior.