Being the Special Helper and Snack

Each day of preschool, we have a child assigned to be our special helper.  On that same day, you are assigned to bring in snack for the preschool class.  The “snack schedule” will be sent to you through a blog post and can also be accessed by clicking on “Snack Calendar” on the right hand side of the blog.  You can also access lots of information about snack by clicking on “snack” at the right hand side of the blog.

Besides bringing snack, your child will get to do all kinds of special things on his or her special helper day.  They will get to be the line leader, signal for clean up time, sit in the bean bag, bring something in for Show and Tell, help the teachers, etc.

This year, we will be trying something new.  Instead of scheduling your child as special helper for their birthday, we are going to have a “regular special helper” and possibly, a “birthday boy, or girl”.  We are hoping this will make scheduling easier.  If your child’s birthday is coming up, you are welcome to just bring a birthday snack for the class.  The assigned special helper will be the one bringing the regular snack.