Weekly Round-up-October 6-10th 2014-"F" is for Fire Safety

Monday, the 6th-Regular class schedule

Tuesday, the 7th-Regular class schedule

Thursday, the 9th-Regular class schedule and Fire Truck visits:  11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.

Friday, the 10th-8:45 a.m. – Staff meeting, Regular class schedule, Friday Enrichment please bring a picture that starts with F and Please wear Purple and bring something Purple to school today Mixed-up Chameleons!

Preschool Office News:  Be on the look out for the Halloween sign-up in the hallway soon!

Mixed-up Chameleons News-Today we enjoyed visiting with Father Eric and having our stuffed animals blessed.  We also loved getting to see and pet his dog, Grace.  We took this opportunity to talk about safety around dogs and review living and non-living things.  We had our color lesson on brown and a lesson on the letter “E”.  We also read “Dinofours: It’s Fire Drill Day” by Steve Metzger and had a practice fire drill.

Very Hungry Caterpillar and Very Busy Spider News:  This week we studied “E is for Engine”.  We learned about the short e and long e sounds.  We learned a lot about fire safety including recognizing the difference between toys and dangerous fire things.  We learned the “Fire Safety Dog” song and the “Never Play With Matches” song.  We practiced Stop, Drop, and Roll, crawling low in smoke and continued work on our core curriculum activities.

Friday Enrichment News-Stop, drop and roll and fire safety  were all introduced last week as we made our “put out the flames” fire art, learned what fire needs to grow and practiced a fire drill.  This week we will be reading “Chicka Chicka Boom Boom” by Bill Martin jr. Our letter will be F.  The children have enjoyed showing their letter of the week item!  Also, please remember to separate your child’s snack and lunch.  The red wagon outside my room is for snack while lunches will go on the red wagon outside the 2′s room.

Brown Bear/Polar Bear News:  We started our Fire Fighter unit and Halloween Fun unit this week.  Our felt board story was about the Five Little Pumpkins and our fingerplay was about Five Firefighters.  We started to learn two new songs this week – Firefighters and our Fire Safety Song.  Shape Dog worked on learning a circle and Doreen  the Dentist helped everyone with the letter D.  There was a duck inside our letter mystery box this week!  For art, we made “fire” by rolling golf balls through orange and yellow paint.  We made fire trucks with the help of glue sticks.  Finally, we put “icing and sprinkles” on yummy doughnuts.  Have a great weekend!