Bike-a-thon 2015 Final Lap Results

We are happy to announce the completion of another bike-a-thon!  Each student who participated really pedaled their hearts out, but a few went the extra mile!  Conditions were ripe this year for very high lap counts!  Here are the results of our top lap riders for this school year!


Panda Bear class:

1st place with 35 laps:  Sam Mecoli

2nd place with 31 laps:  Ben Babb

3rd place with 30 laps each:  Reid Remington and Emerson Beischel

Very Hungry Caterpillar class:

1st place with 150 laps:  Will Merkle

2nd place with 141 laps:  Lance Weaver

3rd place with 140 laps:  Jake Robbins

4th place with 137:  Dawson Feldman

Very Busy Spider class:

1st place with 136 laps:  Maddox Fox and Jonas Whalen

2nd place with 130 laps:  Mac Lenning and Lealand Haeger

3rd place with 128 laps:  Jadyn Fourie

4th place with 127:  Ava Neufarth

Hurray for everyone who rode in this year’s bike-a-thon!  Thank you for helping raise money for chairs, chairs, chairs!

The A&HT Wyoming Preschool Staff