Weekly Round-up-January 18th-22nd 2016

Monday, the 18th-MLKJ day-No classes

Tuesday, the 19th-Regular class schedule-(Even though Wyoming is off today.)

Thursday, the 21st-Regular class schedule

Friday, the 22nd-Happy Birthday, Mrs. Kim!-8:45 a.m. – Preschool staff meeting, Regular class schedule, Mixed-up Chameleons-Please bring 15 small items, in a labeled zip-loc, separate from your lunch, with you to school today.

Preschool Office News-Next week you will be getting your February tuition reminders in your child’s mailbox.  There are spots available for Friday lunch with Kim and Susan and Friday Enrichment.  If anyone is interested, please see Mrs. Cindy.

Mixed-up Chameleons News-Today we made an obstacle course out of blocks in the muscle room and practiced our American Ninja Warrior skills.  Mrs. Mary was here and held a music class with the preschool pals.  Finally, we worked on learning all about the number 10!

Very Hungry Caterpillar and Very Busy Spider News: This week we finished learning about the letter “N” and moved on to “O” for occupations. We read learned about dentists, mail carriers and garbage men.  We also practiced our songs for our upcoming program.

Friday Enrichment News-N was a fun letter to learn.  For art we read “The Best Nest” by P.D. Eastman and then made our own nests where they got to practice their scissor skills.  Math involved reading “In the Night” by Jonathan Shipton and rolling dice to add stars around our moon.  They have been doing a wonderful job with addition.  Science involved a “guess the smell” game and the book “Dr. Pompo’s Nose” by Saxton Freymann.  We also started working on visually recognition of their last name since spelling the first name is pretty mastered.  Letter O is up next!

Panda Bear News: We continue our feltboard story “Teddy Bear Cookies” and our snow themed songs.  In art, we created some snow themed crafts this week, including two different snowmen and winter hats.  The kids are really enjoying to pretend to bundle up and go sledding.  Sliding, sliding, sliding down the hill we go!!