Weekly Round-up-October 3rd-7th 2016-“F” is for Fire Safety

Monday, the 3rd-NO SCHOOL-Wyoming is off

Tuesday, the 4th-Yes, School-Wyoming is off

Thursday, the 6th-Regular class schedule

Friday, the 7th-8:45 a.m. – Staff meeting, Regular class schedule, Friday Enrichment please bring a picture that starts with F.  Please wear Purple and bring something Purple to school today Mixed-up Chameleons!

Preschool Office News: Be on the look out for the Halloween sign-up soon!  (We are deciding between sign-up genius or our old stand by.)

Mixed-up Chameleons News-Today we played “Smoke, smoke, smoke, Fire!” for gym and “The Farmer in the Dell”.  We practiced coloring and cutting by making fire trucks for art and worked on our “core curriculum items”, including days of the week, Calendar activities, weather, the Pledge, and Geography.

Very Hungry Caterpillar and Very Busy Spider News: This week we studied “E is for Engine”.  We learned a lot about fire safety including recognizing the difference between toys and dangerous fire things. We learned the “Fire Safety Dog” song and the “Never Play With Matches” song. We practiced Stop, Drop, and Roll, crawling low in smoke and continued work on our core curriculum activities.

Friday Enrichment News-Elephants and eggs were our activities this week.  The kids got to make a very colorful elephant after reading “Elmer’s Special Day” by David McKee.  We also read “An Extraordinary Egg” by Leo Lionni and “The story of Babar the Little Elephant” by Jean De Brunhoff.  Next week we will be on the letter F.  Please send in a picture that starts with the letter F.  The kids have really enjoyed showing their letters to their preschool pals.

Brown Bear/Polar Bear News: We read Brown Bear, Brown Bear What do you See? and the kids enjoyed putting up the corresponding animals on the feltboard.  Doreen the Dentist helped everyone with the letter D.  There was a duck inside our letter mystery box this week!  For art, we decorated doughnuts, dotted the letter D, and painted little feet white to make a special project we plan on displaying soon.  Have a great weekend!