Santa’s Workshop Information -Bring $1.00 by Tuesday, November 28th
Growing up in Wooster, Ohio, I remember how excited I was when my parents gave me a few coins and took me to a local store called Freedlanders to go through what was called Santa’s workshop. At Santa’s workshop, you were able to take your coins and shop in a special “Christmas workshop” for your family members. Each child was assigned a “shopping helper” who would help them select from a fine assortment of painted rock animals, wonderful smelling perfume, or beautiful knick-knacks that I knew my mom could not live without. I remember how excited I was to pick out the special items for my family members, how I enjoyed wrapping them with my shopping helper and how I loved to watch my family open up the special presents I had picked out for them. This school year, we will be recreating a Santa’s workshop experience for our preschoolers. We are asking all students to bring in $1.00 to shop in Santa’s workshop. Please place your dollar in an envelope with your child’s name on it and bring it to school by Tuesday, November 28th. Each student will have their own shopping helper to help them pick out gifts and wrap them up. Each student will present their gift to their family during our Christmas Party, or it may be sent home before, depending on your child’s class. All the money generated from this exceptional shopping experience will be donated to Valley Food and Clothing. We hope this will be another great lesson on generosity and giving.