Valentine’s Day Parties 2025

Here’s the scoop on our Valentine’s day parties: Our Valentine’s day parties will take place during our typical school day. Each class will  enjoy a classroom party on Friday, February 14th.

*Valentine class lists will come home in your child mailboxes and/or be posted on Remind.

We would like each student to make or buy valentines to hand out to his or her preschool pals.  Please bring your valentines in a separate bag than your valentine’s day collecting box, (if your class is making these.)

We would also like each student in the Top Dogs class to make a special Valentine’s day box to collect his, or her valentines in. Shoeboxes, paper grocery sacks, etc. tend to work well. Foil, stickers, and doilies usually are easy items for preschoolers to use to decorate with. You may want to even put your child’s picture and name on the outside of the “collector”. Please keep in mind that in this case bigger is usually better. Please place Valentine’s in a bag separate than the collecting box.

To make our party extra special, we will be serving pizza at the party. If your child does not like, or cannot have pizza, feel free to pack something for them.  No lunches needed this day.  Please still send in backpacks and water bottles.

Summary: Make/buy valentines for own class, place in a bag to pass out from, make a box for collecting (Top Dogs), party for preschool pals only during regular class time. Pizza will be served. (Pack something if your child has food restrictions.)