Yard Signs

Thanks again for everyone who helped celebrate the first days of school by displaying a yard sign.  It was so fun to drive through Wyoming and Finneytown and see “I Love A&HT Wyoming Preschool” signs all over the place!  If you live in Wyoming, and are displaying a yard sign, there are some sign regulations.  My understanding of the “sign rule” is that we can display our signs for 10 days at a time.  So, if you are in Wyoming, after about ten days, go ahead and take down your sign.  If you would like to keep your sign for our next round of signage, please feel free to do so.  If you do not wish to store your sign, you may return it to the preschool office.  If you live outside of Wyoming, I have no idea what your sign regulations may be.  If you are a strict rule follower, you may want to call your city building to find out what their policy is.  Anyway, thanks again for posting your signs, and be on the lookout for more information on the next sign wave coming soon!