November Events 2016
October 31st (Halloween) and November 1st (All Saints Day)-No School (for obvious reasons 🙂
3rd-School Picture Day
7th-Second tuition payment due & canned food drive begins
10th-Scholastic book orders due and Progress Reports go home
11th-Last Day to schedule a conference
14th-Conference day-If you would like a conference, please notify us by e-mail and let us know what time(s) work for you. Â We are going to try to schedule everyone around the same time, so we do not have a hectic day. Â If you are a working parent and can do an early morning time, or lunch time, that would be super for our teacher’s schedules. Â We also may get subs to to teach for us so we can offer conferences while your preschool pal is in class. Â Please note that conferences are optional, but important if you have questions about kindergarten, or have family issues you would like to talk to your child’s teacher’s about. Â For everyone else, we hope that you get lots of feedback during pick-up time, so an offical conference would not be needed.
22-Family Thanksgiving Feast-11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
24 & 25-Thanksgiving Break-No school